So, I need to share my credentials for a coming up job, and I have to admit, even though my credentials are awesome (to me anyways :-)), I am quite intimidated by it. I've been reading some books on the subject, and came acrossed how to put together a personal mission statement. I have never done this, so I thought, "why not, it certainly couldn't hurt anything." Here is what I came up with:
"The last 7 years of my life have been spent with my hubby, getting ourselves out of all the messes we had created up to that point. We had to learn how to have a marriage we actually enjoy, how to raise kids who are someday going to be well trained for life (something we weren't prepared for), how to get our finances in order, how to have proper boundaries with our friends and extended families, how to learn without feeling like we had to pay for it, and how to set goals for what we want to accomplish in life. Through a lot of hardship, mentoring, specific training, reading, and applying we have decided to be people of impact, happening to life instead of just waiting for it to happen to us. In that, we decided that the next step for me is impacting others. We decided that there weren't to many things we are willing to give up my time for, but once I realized I had a gift and passion for teaching and communicating knowledge, I began my process of being trained, and learning, so that I could help others with the things we have been through."
There it is. It was kind of hard, because I really like to explain things. Believe it or not, this is the edited-down version. I like it though. This is definitely where we're at.
If you want info on how to write your personal mission statement, there are two books that I really love (they of course, help with more than just this): "48 Days to the Work You Love" by Dan Miller, and "Entreleadership" by Dave Ramsey.
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