These are some old projects that I never put up. I was bad, and did a small amount of painting in my kitchen. I made a few templates out pizza boxes (the non food side of course), and stenciled these chandeliers onto the wall.
Then I saw a table similar to the one on the left on apartment therapy, and decided to make one for my chadeliers. I just took some Ikea boxes, free-handed the image onto double layers, cut them out using a box knife, and taped them together using masking tape (I think. Its the tape thats not clear, its kind of a beige color-definitely not duct tape, and not packing tape, as these wouldn't get the same paint texture as the box). After that its just a few layers of paint, and voila! I hung it with finishing nails all the way around. Pretty easy. A really great way to create something bold in a living space where you're not supposed to paint. (Even though I did some painting, oops).
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