Thursday, December 23, 2010

We finally finished our sock monkey gifts, so I can share them!! Yay!! This started out as a project to do with the kids, and we ended up liking how simple and cute they are, so we decided to make them for our nephews and niece. I love the way they turned out. Now we just have to finish the monkeys our kids started.

Here are the instructions:
Modern Sock Monkey Pattern
1. One Pair Original Rockford Red Heel ® socks.
2. Stuffing - use Eco craft or polyester fiberfill (will need approx 6-8 oz)
3. Red knitting yarn (optional)
4. Sewing thread, embroidery thread, 2 buttons (optional)
Sock Monkey Instructions:
Turn both socks inside out.
Sew a seam on both sides of the center of one sock starting three inches from the white heel, curving across the end of the top.
Cut sock between seams and to within 1 1/2 inches of white heel. This leaves an opening in the crotch.
Then turn sock so seams are inside and use crotch opening to stuff head, body and legs. Hand stitch to close gap.
Cut the upper part of the second sock into 2 pieces. Seam, rounding ends and stuff the arms. Attach to the body by hand.
Cut the heel from the sock, leaving a brown edge around the white.
Fasten on lower part of the face by hand-stitching around the bottom; stuff and finish sewing around the top.
The mouth can be enhanced by embroidering a running stitch in either black or white across the middle of the lips.
Cut a one inch strip on front of sock, tapering to end of toe.
Seam, stuff and attach to body by hand.
Cut the ears from remaining brown part on the sole of the sock. Attach to head by hand.
Sew on moving eyes, buttons, felt or embroider eyes with black thread.
(For very small children embroider eyes).
Cap: (Optional)
Cut off toe of another sock sock, leaving 1/2 inch of brown to roll for a brim. Sometimes a fez is used for a cap.
There are many variations from this basic pattern. Decorations such as pompoms, yarn, bells can be added. Jackets, vests, pants, skirts and shoes are also used for clothing.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dinner Spinner Pro
I am so excited about my newest App on my iPhone that I have to write a review on it. Mine and Alex’s biggest problem in our budget is our food budget. In fact, when asked “how do you buy your food, on a budget?” in class, we had to admit that we are the worst at this. We have really gotten into a rut cooking the same thing over and over again, therefore we haven’t been cooking at home as much. We love cooking, but have had a lack of inspiration, which unfortunately means we’ve been eating out a lot more than I’d like to admit.
Needing a solution, I began looking through Apps on my iPhone to make the process more fun and easy. I found a good one for putting my list on it, and then one with a dinner spinner, but I really needed them combined. I also had signed up for a few daily e-mails from and, and wished I could combine one of those with an App, because I love the recipes I’ve been getting from those. So I kept up my search, and finally found that had the Dinner Spinner Pro for a $1.99.
This App has the Dinner Spinner, which is really fun for coming up with recipes. You can pick which meal you want to make, such as dinner, salad, or dessert, then you ick a main ingredient-fish, chicken, or pork. Finally, you pick how long you want it to take, 20-40 minutes or less, or crockpot. You can even pick nothing and just spin, just watch out for those fish desserts-blah! Once you spin, it comes up with matches and you can pick your recipes. From there you can adjust the serving sizes, and then send it to your shopping lists, and DinnerSpinnerPro will adjust the list for the amount of servings you put! That’s not all though!! It also puts the recipes at the top of your list, so you remember what you are going to cook, and it sorts out your ingredients by aisles. Of course, you can also add items to your list manually. Well, there are many more features on this App. I highly recommend this tool for those of you who are looking for simplification for your budget and inspiration for your cooking!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"What I Should Wear"
Not that I am one to stick with the rules, but when I tend to follow these guidelines, I look and feel way better. By the way, this info is coming from what I've gathered from "What Not To Wear" shows, and a website I love called Missus Smarty Pants. I am going to go through what she calls a closet purge, which she offers how to do for free on her website, and I think I'm going to re-order her 3 season package. I've ordered it before, and really loved the information she gave. Here's her link:
Apparently, I have a cute curves body type, or hourglass figure, and whether I'm larger, or smaller, it will always be an hourglass. Also, bright and bold colors tend to look best on me. So, here are the things I have learned so far.
• Bold Colors (fall jewel tones)
• Bright Colors (summer brights)
• Watch my proportions
-Not too heavy on top
-Not too heavy on bottom
• To Create an Hour Glass Silhouette:
-V Shaped tops
-Define the waist
-Wear bold jewely/shoes
-Wear a structured jacket, that nips in
-Use a vibrant color underneath to draw the eye
• Buy Jeans in a Dark Wash
-fit the largest part of the body
-leg line extends from the widest part of the leg
There you have it. Just some basics. Hopefully, this can help someone else as well. I'm excited to get going on this journey again. It's fun and a passion of mine. I'm really excited to see what this looks like on a budget too. If I find any good tips, I'll pass them along, and I'm sure others will do the same.
"What to Wear With This?"
Often, I find myself in a very awkward place, when dealing with my wardrobe. Having watched a lot of “What Not to Wear”, and coveting the wonderful make-overs that are gifted to these very deserving women (I could handle Stacey and Clinton for a $5,000 shopping spree). Sometimes I think, perhaps I could just start dressing so badly, that my friends would feel utterly compelled to sign me up. Obviously, I couldn’t go that far; not only would my children, who dressed as Stacey and Clinton one year for Halloween, be petrified, but I’d have to do it for a while, and my husband might actually go crazy during the life of this experiment. No, this is definitely not the answer.
My biggest problem right now is this, I’m stuck right in between two different eras in my life. My 20’s are about over, and my 30’s are very quickly on their way. I’ve never had a problem embracing my 30’s, in fact, for a long time I tried to act as if I was in my 30’s so much, that I had to force myself to act and dress more like I was in my 20’s. I really need to find a balance between the two. I still want some of the funky, bold, glam, of being young, yet I want to be classy and elegant too. Is this not every woman’s thinking? Maybe not, but I will feel this way for a long time still.
Currently, I am in a rut of doing the same thing, with the same clothes, over and over and over again. I mix it up with my accessories a bit, but I am fully aware of the items I don’t wear and of the clothing that is sitting in my closet that is just taking up space. I always hear that a woman can’t have too many purses, or too many pairs of shoes, or too many (insert type of accessory or clothing item) whatever. I think I would have to disagree. If I don’t wear them, or love them, then they have no right to be in my closet; however, I could really use some inspiration for my favorite pieces. Plus, purging these unwanted items can then leave room for new items I fall in love with, hopefully, leaving only things that I absolutely can’t live without, making my wardrobe simply fabulous!
Because of this, I decided that I needed to start a new little segment in my blog called, “What to Wear with This?” I will post some of my favorite pieces, or even pieces I am contemplating purchasing, and you ladies can help me to think of different ways to wear these, colors to match with it, which shoes or accessories to put with them, etc. I will also follow up, posting anything I find in my search. I know several of you haven’t signed up to be members, so you can’t comment, but now would be a great time to do so. This is going to be fun and educational for us all. Please comment with any of your ideas.
I can’t wait, so, on that note here are two of my favorite pieces, that I need help with. Not only can I not figure out what to do with them, but I haven’t even worn them in about a year, because of it. I love the colors, and the shapes, so I don’t want to get rid of them. Besides that, I love a good blazer. They do so much for your outfit and your shape. I just need some ideas of things to pair them with. So, what would you do with them? What colors would you put with these colors? What accessories or shoes would you put with them?

My biggest problem right now is this, I’m stuck right in between two different eras in my life. My 20’s are about over, and my 30’s are very quickly on their way. I’ve never had a problem embracing my 30’s, in fact, for a long time I tried to act as if I was in my 30’s so much, that I had to force myself to act and dress more like I was in my 20’s. I really need to find a balance between the two. I still want some of the funky, bold, glam, of being young, yet I want to be classy and elegant too. Is this not every woman’s thinking? Maybe not, but I will feel this way for a long time still.
Currently, I am in a rut of doing the same thing, with the same clothes, over and over and over again. I mix it up with my accessories a bit, but I am fully aware of the items I don’t wear and of the clothing that is sitting in my closet that is just taking up space. I always hear that a woman can’t have too many purses, or too many pairs of shoes, or too many (insert type of accessory or clothing item) whatever. I think I would have to disagree. If I don’t wear them, or love them, then they have no right to be in my closet; however, I could really use some inspiration for my favorite pieces. Plus, purging these unwanted items can then leave room for new items I fall in love with, hopefully, leaving only things that I absolutely can’t live without, making my wardrobe simply fabulous!
Because of this, I decided that I needed to start a new little segment in my blog called, “What to Wear with This?” I will post some of my favorite pieces, or even pieces I am contemplating purchasing, and you ladies can help me to think of different ways to wear these, colors to match with it, which shoes or accessories to put with them, etc. I will also follow up, posting anything I find in my search. I know several of you haven’t signed up to be members, so you can’t comment, but now would be a great time to do so. This is going to be fun and educational for us all. Please comment with any of your ideas.
I can’t wait, so, on that note here are two of my favorite pieces, that I need help with. Not only can I not figure out what to do with them, but I haven’t even worn them in about a year, because of it. I love the colors, and the shapes, so I don’t want to get rid of them. Besides that, I love a good blazer. They do so much for your outfit and your shape. I just need some ideas of things to pair them with. So, what would you do with them? What colors would you put with these colors? What accessories or shoes would you put with them?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Short Epilogue to Lasts Nights Struggles!
I finally went to sleep at 5 am this morning, and of course had to wake up at 6:30, so I didn't get a whole lot of sleep, but I did alright. Anyways, I cancelled the appointment to look at the house during 1st recess, so I wouldn't linger on the decision. However, I thought that I would just go take a look at this house that had roused such emotion in me last night. As I pulled up, I was kind of kicking myself for cancelling the appointment. I was super cute! It had an adorable sun room front porch, and a raised front yard, with a quaint little garden wall.
Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the gate to the back yard was open, so of course, I had to take a quick look. The back yard was large, and had two worn down cottage style sheds, but even better, I just happened to notice that the back door was open. I debated about whether I should take a look or not, and I had to go look. I yelled Hello, to see if anyone was there. The house was Tiny! It's hard to imagine, but it was even smaller than the one we're in now, in every way! And I don't recall seeing a kitchen.
Verdict is, we made a good choice, and once again God is right! I think He left the back door open just for me, so He could show me what I would be getting into if I try to do this on my own. If I just have patience, and do this in His time, we will get what we've been praying for, and more. I've learned my lesson, and I think I really need to just quit looking at what's out there until its truly time!
Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the gate to the back yard was open, so of course, I had to take a quick look. The back yard was large, and had two worn down cottage style sheds, but even better, I just happened to notice that the back door was open. I debated about whether I should take a look or not, and I had to go look. I yelled Hello, to see if anyone was there. The house was Tiny! It's hard to imagine, but it was even smaller than the one we're in now, in every way! And I don't recall seeing a kitchen.
Verdict is, we made a good choice, and once again God is right! I think He left the back door open just for me, so He could show me what I would be getting into if I try to do this on my own. If I just have patience, and do this in His time, we will get what we've been praying for, and more. I've learned my lesson, and I think I really need to just quit looking at what's out there until its truly time!
The Struggles of Getting Out of Debt!!
Just today, I was telling Alex that I wish we had been keeping a journal of what it has been like to be getting out of debt. We have truly been through so much during this process that it would take a book to cover it all. So many people have watched us go through it all, yet so many are really just seeing us go through it now. Unfortunately, the people who are seeing it now, are only getting a small picture of what it has truly been like, and let me tell you, it has definitely been a struggle. There have been so many times that we've chosen not to eat out, even though we desparately wanted to, or have even had to tell each other "no" on things we have wanted to purchase.
Today was a perfect example. I felt completely inspired this morning from the video that was shown at Church. They introduced the Advent Conspiracy, and talked about what Christmas has become in America with all the spending we do. I have been completely on board with this, and we are not strangers to having a cash Christmas, since this will be our 5th one. I can't tell you how much stress this relieves. I even felt inspired to jot a few of my thoughts down about it in an earlier blog.
It is so true, that when I spew out words of wisdom, they are usually coming directly down from God to help me at that very moment. Only a couple of hours after I wrote that little diddy, did I start thinking about moving again. For those of you who know me well, you know that this is one of my strongest weaknesses right now!! I want to move, and I want to move badly!! Well, of course, we found another perfect place to move into. The price is right, the location is right, it is perfect!! I had it completely in my mind that I could go look at this place, and be completely non-committed to getting this place, and we would be open if God could work it out. If not, I'm ready to walk away. Alex was totally on board with me looking at it, and gathering information.
However, after discussing it further, and throwing all of our thoughts out on the subject, I actually came to the conclusion that it really doesn't fit into our financial plan for us to move at this time in the year, for many reasons. It just doesn't work, unless God performs a major miracle. We went to bed and I was 100% determined to just call tomorrow, and cancel the appointment, since there is no need to mess with temptation. As I was laying in bed, I was praying, and I just found myself getting more and more angry! Why can't we just do it? Why do we have to wait? What if there isn't another place like this when we're ready to move in February? What if our plan is delayed? I don't want to wait!! Lord, why am I so angry about this? I don't get it! HELP!! I NEED YOUR STRENGTH!! That did it! I was done!
Before I knew it, I was in a full on "Grown Up Temper Tantrum". All I could do was cry and be angry. I woke up Alex, and he helped soothe me. After I mostly calmed down, I let him go back to sleep, while I read the Bible out loud to give myself some peace. Now here I am at 2:38 am, writing this, quite humbly, I might add.
So, there you go! My logical brain knows that what our family is doing is vital! I have no doubt. However, I go through these difficult times more often than I would like to admit. I know that God has given this plan to me and Alex, and even helped us to get our kids on board, who struggle with this less than I do, but what can I say? I've got a long way to go yet. I am fully aware how much I cannot do this on my own, in my own strength. I guess its time for me to let go of the control, for the gazillionth time, and hand it over to God where it belongs, and always is anyways.
If you are feeling like you are alone in you financial troubles, please know that you are not!! Also, please know that it is not easy.
Hebrews 12:11 states: No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening-it is painful!! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
Today was a perfect example. I felt completely inspired this morning from the video that was shown at Church. They introduced the Advent Conspiracy, and talked about what Christmas has become in America with all the spending we do. I have been completely on board with this, and we are not strangers to having a cash Christmas, since this will be our 5th one. I can't tell you how much stress this relieves. I even felt inspired to jot a few of my thoughts down about it in an earlier blog.
It is so true, that when I spew out words of wisdom, they are usually coming directly down from God to help me at that very moment. Only a couple of hours after I wrote that little diddy, did I start thinking about moving again. For those of you who know me well, you know that this is one of my strongest weaknesses right now!! I want to move, and I want to move badly!! Well, of course, we found another perfect place to move into. The price is right, the location is right, it is perfect!! I had it completely in my mind that I could go look at this place, and be completely non-committed to getting this place, and we would be open if God could work it out. If not, I'm ready to walk away. Alex was totally on board with me looking at it, and gathering information.
However, after discussing it further, and throwing all of our thoughts out on the subject, I actually came to the conclusion that it really doesn't fit into our financial plan for us to move at this time in the year, for many reasons. It just doesn't work, unless God performs a major miracle. We went to bed and I was 100% determined to just call tomorrow, and cancel the appointment, since there is no need to mess with temptation. As I was laying in bed, I was praying, and I just found myself getting more and more angry! Why can't we just do it? Why do we have to wait? What if there isn't another place like this when we're ready to move in February? What if our plan is delayed? I don't want to wait!! Lord, why am I so angry about this? I don't get it! HELP!! I NEED YOUR STRENGTH!! That did it! I was done!
Before I knew it, I was in a full on "Grown Up Temper Tantrum". All I could do was cry and be angry. I woke up Alex, and he helped soothe me. After I mostly calmed down, I let him go back to sleep, while I read the Bible out loud to give myself some peace. Now here I am at 2:38 am, writing this, quite humbly, I might add.
So, there you go! My logical brain knows that what our family is doing is vital! I have no doubt. However, I go through these difficult times more often than I would like to admit. I know that God has given this plan to me and Alex, and even helped us to get our kids on board, who struggle with this less than I do, but what can I say? I've got a long way to go yet. I am fully aware how much I cannot do this on my own, in my own strength. I guess its time for me to let go of the control, for the gazillionth time, and hand it over to God where it belongs, and always is anyways.
If you are feeling like you are alone in you financial troubles, please know that you are not!! Also, please know that it is not easy.
Hebrews 12:11 states: No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening-it is painful!! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Once our family gets out of debt, we have several new goals to reach. One of those goals is to try new things. We were able to get a taste of that today. A few months ago, I purchased 4 bouldering passes from The Circuit Gym in Portland from LivingSocial! It was a great deal for trying something new!

We ended up staying for about 3 hours, and have definitely agreed that we want to do it again! I would highly recommend this experience!!
Annual Target Gift Registry Date!

Our family has come to love this tradition!! We eat out. The kids scan. It's a ton of fun!
We started this tradition, because every year the grandparents would call and ask us what our kids wanted for Christmas. I would tell them what I thought, and often times was completely off.
I'd have them ask the kids, but Chrystian doesn't talk much, and Byanca couldn't always remember what she wants. Plus, when they would tell them, there were often times the grandparents would have no idea what they were talking about. "What's a PSP?" they would ask, and it's very difficult to explain. This was our solution.
We don't expect everyone to buy from Target, we just like that we can let the kids loose, and they can scan what they wish, and we can put sizes for clothing, and shoes. Our family is always happy to be able to pull this up online or print it out at Target. The kids know they're not going to get everything, but it's very fun to dream! For us, its all about the experience!
Christmas Budget!!

Clearly, there are so many things vying for our money this time of year, which is why it is vital to carefully consider a good Christmas Budget. No, not the straight jacket that most people thing of, when you mention the “B” word! You can have wings to fly, when you have a well thought out budget. And not having the Holidays follow you into the next year, is a great place to start for new traditions this year. With all the spending you feel you “must” do, the Holiday Season can seem to fly. If you would like a sense of slowing things down a bit, I would suggest that you stop to reflect and communicate what is really important as a family, and find alternate ways to celebrate,. This doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t buy gifts, or don’t spend money. It simply means you don’t buy gifts because you feel guilted into it, and if you can’t afford to buy something-you don’t buy it!
When we began to think of our budget, we started by writing down all the people we would like to give gifts to, and we projected what we would like to spend. Of course, there is our immediate family, who we spend the most on; the name drawing from Alex’s family, couples gifts for my family, our nephews, our adopted niece and nephew, teacher gifts, etc. There are also events to consider; will we need to eat out because we’ll be too busy for this event, and will we want to bring a gift for the host/hostess of that event? Are there any extra school projects, field trips, or programs we might need to budget for? All of these things add up, and if you don’t realistically think them through, you will be wondering where the money went, and what other budget can you pull from, or worse, which credit card can we use to make up the slack. You may find at this point that you have to say “no” to a few things. This is not as difficult as it may sound, and I have found that great alternate ideas of giving come from the desire to give a gift, but having no budget to give from.
This is where you can really get creative, and begin to rethink how you give! Sometimes, I even find that the person I’m thinking of really doesn’t need another “thing” this Christmas. Perhaps they would just enjoy a gift of time! Here are a few alternate gift ideas:
• Babysitting for a friend, who could use a date with their spouse;
• coffee with a listening ear;
• a movie together;
• take a friend to the beauty school to get facials or pedicures together.
• Game night with family friends
I know there are endless ideas!
• You could try something new as a family. Our family, this year, was lucky to get some really great gift certificates for things to do, such as roller skating, ice skating, and bouldering. We’re very excited to do these things together, and we’ll even get to try something new!
• You could make things for a few people this year. It will still cost some money, so you still have to budget for it, but it is really fun to do together, and in the end it can save some money. Handmade items are really trendy right now!
• You could give the gift of starting new traditions as a family!
One year, we decided that we were done trying to keep up with the latest thing our kids were into. Family would call to see what they wanted, and we would have no idea what to tell them, and the kids had a hard time coming up with a list off-the-top of-their-heads too. In order to fix this problem, a few years ago, we started taking our kids to Target to make a Christmas Registry. It instantly became a wonderful new tradition! We budget to eat out and make a whole night out of it, which makes for a really great time!
Obviously, these are just a few ways you can save money. The most important points are these: identify what is truly important to you and your immediate family, communicate this with the people around you, have a plan, get creative and make more experiences during the holidays!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Miniature Ginger Bread Houses

instead of spending so much money
this Holiday Season.

So, here's what we did. We used the template below, but we cut the measurements in half, and truly I must admit I was a bit afraid they might be too small. They were fine! One of the shortcuts we learned was, you can actually roll out your ginger bread dough onto a "well floured" baking pan (I used my Pampered Chef Stoneware Baking Pan), and bake it as one large rectangular cookie. This allows you to cut out the 2 hours of refrigerator time that most ginger bread house recipes call for. Then you can cut the shapes right out of that, which gives you more uniform sizes. Simply lay your template on top of the cookie sheet, after it has cooled, and cut, while it is still in the pan!
Also, we used the Easy Frost, which has become my new best friend for fun and simple decorating of cakes, cupcakes, etc. This really allows the kids to be able to decorate and have a blast. One thing we did learn however, make sure you let the constructional frosting sit for about ten minutes. For example, when you put the bottom pieces of the house together, let the frosting sit before you put on the roof. Then when you put the roof on, YOU MUST LET THE FROSTING SIT!!! We did it too soon, because the kids were so excited to decorate. Sure enough, soon after we took these pictures, the roofs fell off. Luckily, the kids didn't care, since they were more concerned with the fact that they were going to get to eat these at some point!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Clearly, I haven't posted on here for a while, and I have done a multitude of crafts, which I was posting on Facebook instead of on my blog, including our Halloween Costumes. I'm definitely planning on doing a better job at posting on my blog from here on out. I'm really excited about a couple of projects I've got going on right now. A few teacher's gifts, so I won't show those until they're given. A few home made gifts for my neqhew's and nieces (some that were adopted into our family). I'm going to be working on a few Holiday decorating projects and a lighting craft that I am super excited about. I'm also trying to incorporate my children into my crafting more, which was completely inspired by Michele Klundt, who not only is amazing at planning wonderful activities for her children, but she also helped me in updating my blog as well.
Anyways, crafting with my kids has been the best! I'm truly loving this! My kiddos have been cooking with me, sewing, painting, needle working, etc. It really has been great! They're learning how to make very useful and fun things!

Byanca's Jewelry Holder
Today, Byanca and I made these two great jewelry holders for her. We got the frames at Goodwill, painted them orange, then added these cool paper backgrounds. We then attached the wire mesh, and screwed in the hooks. Lastly, we added some bling, and Voila! We were done! They Look Fantastic!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Recycled Brass and Glass Lamp

I was inspired recently to make these bird accessories. I was looking for bowls, vases, etc. at garage sales, and our buddy Jacob saw an amazing crystal and brass lamp, and thought I should take it apart and use it for them. Turns out it was a great idea, and in the process, I learned a ton about lamps as well. I will have to use this knowledge on future craft ideas.
and, here is the bird feeder. I think they turned out pretty awesome!
Monday, April 19, 2010
To Paint or Not To Paint? That is my Question!
Shabby Chic Candle Pedestal
This is a cute little candle pedestal I made when I was making Elaine's cake pedestals for her birthday, which I forgot to take pictures of. It currently resides on my credenza in the kitchen. Anyways, see if you can guess what I glued together to make these. Probably too easy, but oh well. Perhaps I'll even make a pedestal for the first person who guesses correctly in the comment section (provided you're a local) :)!
I think it turned out really pretty, and it couldn't have been easier to make. Just take a couple pretty _________'s, and some E6000, and glue them together. Voila, you have a gorgeous pedestal! I'm seeing stuff like this all over the internet, and the options are endless. Enjoy!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Unusual Knitting Bag!!

Amazingly, I designed the pattern from a paper grocery bag. I had a couple of game board boxes sitting around because we reorganized our board games, getting rid of all the boxes. I demolished one and duct taped it together to make it fit in the bottom giving it a really strong bottom. More upcycling for ya!

My kids slaved for me to cut out these little squares from brochures of things to do around Oregon and Washington. Yet again, more upcycling! I covered that with vinyl. The seams are covered by purple duct tape. The handles are simply thin rope that I twisted different colored duct tape around, and I braided them together. I glue gunned those on, and covered those seams with purple duct tape hearts, which is fitting since this purse was made with love.

The features of this purse are a couple of pockets, a place for long knitting needles, grommets in the front of the purse to run your thread through, and really cute details. I love it! It's definitely not perfect, but I learned a lot from it, and I'm excited to possibly do some more, and I'll be able to fix those things next time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

There were a couple of things to note about this project. One, when working with a piece of this magnitude, the box did have some tendency to try to warp. I didn't worry about this too much, because I knew that once I nailed it to the wall, it would take on the shape I wanted it to. Also, it seemed best to paint the background color in sections. Otherwise, this really was a simple project, and its another great alternative to adding color on the walls when you're not supposed to. Hope you enjoy!!

These are some old projects that I never put up. I was bad, and did a small amount of painting in my kitchen. I made a few templates out pizza boxes (the non food side of course), and stenciled these chandeliers onto the wall.
Then I saw a table similar to the one on the left on apartment therapy, and decided to make one for my chadeliers. I just took some Ikea boxes, free-handed the image onto double layers, cut them out using a box knife, and taped them together using masking tape (I think. Its the tape thats not clear, its kind of a beige color-definitely not duct tape, and not packing tape, as these wouldn't get the same paint texture as the box). After that its just a few layers of paint, and voila! I hung it with finishing nails all the way around. Pretty easy. A really great way to create something bold in a living space where you're not supposed to paint. (Even though I did some painting, oops).
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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